
Legal Announcement

Dear AIC Users:

Please read the following "Legal Notices" carefully.

Article 1

This website aims to provide the greatest wealth management and trading platform that fulfills professional and international standards for the majority of global digital asset enthusiasts and investors while abiding by all applicable laws and regulations. This website should not be used for unlawful transaction activities such as money laundering, smuggling, or commercial bribery. If any account is discovered to be participating in any of the aforementioned illegal actions, this website will immediately freeze the account and report it to the appropriate management authority.

Article 2

Authorities may require this website to participate with investigations involving any designated user, and they may also request that user accounts be closed, frozen, or transferred. In such instances, this website will help the authorities by providing relevant user data as requested by the authorities or by carrying out associated activities as directed by them. This website is not responsible for any disclosure of user privacy, account operation difficulties, or losses resulting from the aforementioned actions.

Article 3

If any user of this website violates any provision of this statement, thereby violating any applicable laws, this website, as a service provider, is obligated to enhance the rules and services of this platform. This website, on the other hand, neither has the intent nor has it engaged in any actual conduct that contravene relevant laws and regulations. As a result, it will bear no joint liability for the acts of the users.

Article 4

Anyone who logs on to or uses this website, whether directly or indirectly, is understood to have freely accepted the limits of this website.