
Give a hand to disaster-stricken people! Binance Charity airdrops one million US dollars BNB to users in the Hualien region.

In response to the recent earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan, Binance Charity announced on the 5th that it will airdrop one million US dollars worth of BNB to users affected by the strong tremors.

According to the announcement from Binance Charity, the airdrop will be based on user identity, with verification through the user's KYC and POA addresses in the Hualien area, which was most affected by the impact.

Binance Charity emphasized that in recent years, blockchain and virtual assets have provided a new avenue for charitable donations, making contributions faster, cost-effective, and transparent, directly delivering funds to beneficiaries without the need for intermediaries. On the other hand, beneficiaries have greater freedom to decide how to use these charitable funds.

This article is from: https://blockcast.it/2024/04/06/binance-charity-airdrop-1-million-value-bnb-to-taiwan-users-after-the-earthquake/

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AIC Team
